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 Messaggio Inviato: mercoledì 15 giugno 2011, 19:06 
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Iscritto il: mercoledì 1 aprile 2009, 13:26
Messaggi: 901
Località: taranto
Ieri la CCP è stata sotto attacco tutto il giorno di ieri da parte dello stesso gruppo di hacker che ha bucato malamente la Sony.
Solo che a differenza degli incompenti Sony, l'attacco è fallito per la pronta reazione della CCP.
Capace che se lo aspettavano pure....!!

In ogni caso alle ore 18 ora Eschimese di ieri , i servers della CCP sono stati sotto attacco ddoss... che servono per stressare i server per l'attacco vero e proprio.

Prontamente, il responsabile della CCP capita la situazione ha messo in shoutdown tutto il sistema.

Riuppati per un paio di volte nella giornata e spenti per la continuzione dell'attacco, i server sono stati definitivamente riuppati oggi.

Nessuna breccia è stata aperta nel database dei giocatori.

Tanto di cappello alla CCP.... a differenza della sony...((((.. senza tralasciare il fatto che hanno reso noto i danni dell'attacco solo giorni dopo... bla.. :toimonster:

Morte a questi stronzi di hacker che vovelano toccare il mio Tessorrooooo..)

P.s. ecco il testo del comunicato rilasciato sul sito ufficiale:

eve back online
reported by CCP Manifest | 2011.06.14 23:08:26 | NEW

A message from our COO.

At 17:00 UTC today, CCP became aware of a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) against the EVE Online cluster and web servers.

Our policy in such cases is to mobilize a taskforce of internal and external experts to evaluate the situation. At 17:55 UTC, that group concluded that our best course of action was to go completely offline while an exhaustive scan of our entire infrastructure was executed.

While some may feel that such a drastic reaction was not warranted, it is always our approach to err on the side of caution in order to ensure the best possible service for our players and the security of their personal, billing and account information.

We understand the effect this disruption has had for our players and apologize for not having been able to explain fully to the community what was going on. In these cases it can often be counterproductive to containment to give out information while we are in the process of evaluating the scope of any potential problem.

Our taskforce concluded at 22:05 that neither the game servers nor the CCP infrastructure had been breached. Further, we can also confirm that no personal details such as users’ credentials or credit card numbers were exposed through this incident.

The servers were brought back online at 23:00 and we will continue to monitor the situation closely.

Again, we sincerely apologize for this disruption.


Jón Hörðdal

Chief Operating Officer

UPDATE: Shortly after service was restored to the EVE Online Tranquility server, the CCP Security Task force became aware of ongoing traffic flooding which prompted them to take the server offline. At 00:30 UTC, Tranquility was brought online again and is being closely monitored. Please be advised that we are prepared to take the server offline again if warranted. We thank you again for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience and sincerely thank you for your continued patience.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: CCP - EVE ONLINE SOTTO ATTACCO HACKER
 Messaggio Inviato: mercoledì 15 giugno 2011, 22:41 
Non connesso

Iscritto il: martedì 15 maggio 2007, 22:57
Messaggi: 2122
Località: Apuliae
La prossima volta non fallirò!


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